Tag: maple

Maple Mousse in a Phyllo Nest with Strawberry and Mango Sauce and a Maple Balsamic Reduction

Maple Mousse in a Phyllo Nest with Strawberry and Mango Sauce and a Maple Balsamic Reduction

After all the years I’ve spent experimenting with recipes I feel I’ve got a decent grasp of which flavors work together, but tend to be a traditionalist — especially in the savory department.  Cilantro goes with onion, tomatoes, spicy peppers, and citrus.  Basil goes with 

Pumpkin Maple Bread

Pumpkin Maple Bread

It’s as good an excuse as any to say I still seem to be decompressing from our vacation, slowly coming back to Earth, but not quite willing to sit down and harness my thoughts long enough to write anything. Thinking it might be motivational, I 

Raspberry Heart Scones

Raspberry Heart Scones

Raspberry Heart Scones

It’s Saturday morning after a busy week and the slightest hint of Fall is in the air, taunting me.  Condensation dots the leaves of the plants on the patio outside the kitchen window and the occasional web of a familiar orange garden spider wafts lazily between the trees.  I know the cool air coming through the window needs to be appreciated because in a day or so, we’re expecting blistering temperatures even though the calendar is edging toward the autumnal equinox.

Flipping through the small stack of food magazines and cookbooks that seem to be a permanent fixture on my counter, I sip my coffee and talk about nothing in particular to my husband who is already perched in front of his laptop.  He’s usually the one in the kitchen on weekend mornings, but I remember the small container of raspberries in the fridge that were destined for yet another Bittman salad and ask, “Muffins or scones, honey?”

“Mmmm…scones,” is his quick response and I smile because I feel an experiment coming on.  Do I have to mix the raspberries in the batter?

Continue reading Raspberry Heart Scones

Maple Oat Apple Crisp

Maple Oat Apple Crisp

              I think one of the nicest aspects of the food blog world is meeting people and having someone take the time to say, “I like your blog.”  It’s not expected even though ultimately, that’s what most of us