Tag: vinaigrette

Simple Green Bean Corn and Tomato Salad with Vinaigrette

Simple Green Bean Corn and Tomato Salad with Vinaigrette

  I often hear others say they don’t like salad.  My first reaction is, really?  How can someone not like salad?  And then I wonder if the person is suffering from the idea that salad involves a head of lettuce and a few tomatoes slathered 

Bittman Salads:  3 Delicious Choices

Bittman Salads: 3 Delicious Choices

  Since I began working my way through Mark Bittman’s “101 Simple Salads for the Season”, I’ve not quite been able to keep up with the goal I set to make at least five salads in a seven day week.  Most of the time, it’s 

Grilled Rib Eye au Poivre & Asparagus with Vinaigrette

Grilled Rib Eye au Poivre & Asparagus with Vinaigrette


I guess it’s officially grilling season here, even though it actually doesn’t stop.  I know people who grill throughout the winter, making a habit of throwing something — anything on the barbie.  The problem that we have is that for the first four months of the year, my hunkster is at work until well past sundown, which makes dinner these days at about nine.  Sounds glamorous, doesn’t it?


But not too long ago, I happened upon some lovely rib eyes which happened to be on sale and thought that a simple Steak au Poirve and Asparagus Vinaigrette would be lovely.  The Hunkster surprised me by offering to grill the meat.  Okay.

The nice thing about a meal like this is that it requires very little preparation.  All you have to do is make the vinaigrette, grill the food, and you’re done.

But don’t forget to pour the wine.

Continue reading Grilled Rib Eye au Poivre & Asparagus with Vinaigrette