Cherry Chocolate Almond Ice Cream

Cherry Chocolate Almond Ice Cream

I saw the shiny orbs of deep garnet bulging from the plastic bag they were packed in and knew I had to have them.  The sale price posted above all but screamed my name so I chose a bag and gingerly placed it in my 

Blueberry Cupcakes and Berry Cream Cheese Ice Cream

Blueberry Cupcakes and Berry Cream Cheese Ice Cream

When Lis of Daring Baker fame asked me to do a post for The Daring Kitchen for July 4th, I thought, sure, no problema.  Absolutely. I’ll get right on that. I imagined all the red, white, and blue possibilites available and scrimped time here and 

Nectarine Blondie Parfait

Nectarine Blondie Parfait

Perhaps you’ve caught yourself doing this before:  you’re lost in thought — truly daydreaming about nothing in particular.  Then you wonder, “How in heck did I end up thinking about that?” and you proceed to trace back which thought led to what until you either 

Ricotta and Brown Sugar Gelato

Ricotta and Brown Sugar Gelato

Quite some time ago, I came across a recipe in a magazine that I didn’t subscribe to but magically ended up in my mailbox each month, addressed to me.  It didn’t take long to realize the publication’s advertisements outweighed its content, but a two page 

Chocolate Valentino Cake with Strawberry Banana Ice Cream

Chocolate Valentino Cake with Strawberry Banana Ice Cream

                    As the morning unfolds on this the day of the February Daring Baker’s reveal, I’m proud to say I finished my challenge a few weeks ago, which could imply that this post was written and