Mexican Butter Cookies

Mexican Butter Cookies

It’s that time of year, isn’t it?  That rush-about-hustle-bustle-get-everything-done-on-time time of year, and it’s more that than it ever has been here.  A week ago, I was in bed recovering from knee surgery, and today, a week later, feeling pretty good about my physical therapy 

Apple Cinnamon Pecan Bread

Apple Cinnamon Pecan Bread

When you live in San Diego near the coast, it’s easy to have a hankering for a visit to a small, old-fashioned town at this time of year — one you might find on a drive through the mountains and tucked up against the peaks 

Caramel Crumb Bars

Caramel Crumb Bars

  While many others in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying the first snow of the season, I’m admiring from afar, surprised by our own low temperatures which have hovered near 40 on a few nights. It’s been enough to coerce me to turn on the 

Pumpkin Maple Bread

Pumpkin Maple Bread

It’s as good an excuse as any to say I still seem to be decompressing from our vacation, slowly coming back to Earth, but not quite willing to sit down and harness my thoughts long enough to write anything. Thinking it might be motivational, I 

Cornish Pasties

Cornish Pasties

Suffice to say that my plans to get several posts written and queued up before we leave on vacation this Sunday never materialized.  Close, but no cigar. Living in a hobbling, semi-ambulatory state for the last five days put me in my place more than