Tag: easy

Mexican Butter Cookies

Mexican Butter Cookies

It’s that time of year, isn’t it?  That rush-about-hustle-bustle-get-everything-done-on-time time of year, and it’s more that than it ever has been here.  A week ago, I was in bed recovering from knee surgery, and today, a week later, feeling pretty good about my physical therapy 

Chocolate-Glazed Mocha Fans

Chocolate-Glazed Mocha Fans

I used to make quite a few holiday cookies.  The prep routine went something like this:  wallow through the recipes until the calendar pressured me into making choices; make sure there’s not only a variety of flavors, but textures and shapes as well; and vary 

Roasted Chicken and Tomatoes with Cheese Grits

Roasted Chicken and Tomatoes with Cheese Grits

<img alt="Roasted Chicken and Tomatoes with Cheese Grits"/>

Mark Twain is believed to have said that the coldest winter he “ever saw” was the summer he spent in San Francisco.   Having been to San Francisco many, many times in my life, and a city I’d happily relocate to if given the opportunity, I’d have to agree with whomever said that.  But I’d also mention that San Diego in the Spring can be equally as chilly.

A quick trip down the hill to hit the Farmer’s Market in Pacific Beach last Saturday featured glimpses of young college men traveling in small packs and garbed in brightly colored checked Bermudas, their luggage bumping along the sidewalks behind them.  Clearly, Spring Break was getting its start.  The weather was pleasant enough, but not as spectacular as it would become a few days later.

A week has gone by and with it the sunshine.  The sky is cast in solid grey and the forecast suggests that it will continue throughout this weekend.  I always find myself feeling sorry for the Spring Break vacationers when they arrive expecting endless days of warmth and sun.  I know I’d be disappointed.

It’s perfect weather for something roasted and savory that doesn’t take lots of effort — like this recipe for Roasted Chicken and Tomatoes with Cheese Grits.  It has comfort written all over it.  And if you can find a chicken on sale, then it’s inexpensive, too.  The flavors are bright and satisfying, even if the weather isn’t.

Must be the tomatoes.  But then, there are the grits to consider.

With cheese.  Oh. My.

Continue reading Roasted Chicken and Tomatoes with Cheese Grits

Chicken Soup with Southern Dumplings

Chicken Soup with Southern Dumplings

When we were in the thick of our remodel, I had my eye out for magazines that would help me narrow down the paint choices since we were having the whole interior repainted.  O At Home caught my eye while I was standing in line 

Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash and Hazelnuts

Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash and Hazelnuts

The weather here has been remarkable for the past few days with temperatures reaching nearly 80.  Blue skies stretch on forever, and because it's so dry, visibility is about as clear as I've seen it in a while.  I've had the patio door open during