Tag: Eggs

Rethinking Breakfast

Rethinking Breakfast

Kefir cheese with a bit of honey and sliced strawberries on sprouted grain toast.   For most of my life, my morning routine involved waking to an alarm set to sound well before the the sun had even thought about sending its rays to brighten 

Easy Breakfast Scramble Recipe

Easy Breakfast Scramble Recipe

September is my favorite month. I suppose many would say their birthday month was their favorite — that is if they’re the type who thinks about such things — but that’s not why I love September.  Countless years of its signaling promise and the beginning 

Breakfast Salad with Poached Egg and Prosciutto

Breakfast Salad with Poached Egg and Prosciutto

I’m at that place I’m so familiar with–the place where it seems as if I’m floating on a river lazily making its way to a point in the distance.  I could swim and get to wherever there is more quickly, or I can do what I’m doing–floating.  Knowing time will pass,  I’ll get there.

And then I snap out of it.  Like this morning.

Eight days before we leave for the UK.  Eight. After months and months of planning every single tiny detail, eight days will fly by and as much as I’ve questioned and searched and adjusted to make sure everything is perfect, I swear I’ve forgotten something.  My husband has indulged my sometimes nightly litany of hairsplitting with gentle logic and comments of support.

I’m sure everything will be fine, he tells me.  The other vacations you’ve planned have been great.

Yes, but…

Continue reading Breakfast Salad with Poached Egg and Prosciutto

Fresh Corn and Tomato Pie

Fresh Corn and Tomato Pie

Fresh Corn and Tomato Pie It’s been a couple of weeks since my youngest headed off to college, and it’s become very apparent that tailoring my cooking portions down by a third is not going to be as easy as I first thought.  Let’s discuss 

Green Chili and Cheddar Souffle

Green Chili and Cheddar Souffle

One of the things I’ve learned over the years about food is that often, the recipes that have a reputation for being fussy are anything but.   Souffles are a great example of this.  Think of all the times you’ve seen a cook depicted making a